Thursday, September 30, 2021

A Collage of Cosmic Beauty


life happened again yesterday in a way that broke my heart but alas it has been broken before and each time I have gathered the pieces and added them to a collage of cosmic beauty that I have displayed prominently within my soul.

I was never one who wished to slay dragans I was always one who befriended them because I saw within them something sacred and special that touched my soul.

I will not say goodbye my friend I will but say hello for we will meet again my friend on this celestial road.

I approach each day with higher personal awareness for life has taught me that the more aware I am of my true self the better able I am to navigate the sometimes rough waters of this world.

I gravitate toward those whose simple sincere ways manifest light for they are artistic angels whose very essence breathes beauty into the world.

a living breathing work of art known to those who loved him as Dragan passed away yesterday. he was a brilliant beautiful soul who will be missed. he was an original, authentic, weird, wonderful, sweet and creative being of light. a big puppy with a big heart. I say to Dragan we will meet again one day in an art gallery in the heavens. I look forward to that day.

I went into the deepest depths of my soul to explore a higher consciousness which has enriched my life and enlightened my being.

read these words with the knowledge that they are filled with sacred healing energy and infinite light.

we are better able to embrace todays world with positive energy when we bathe the heart of humanity in the cosmic beauty of our true sacred self.

I have crossed paths with far too many people who do nothing, call it something and pretend that things are better. I like to do things that promote personal well being while also engaging the world with love and blessings.

i have made a conscious effort over the years to be a spiritual facilitator of divine inspiration who with an open heart and wholistic awareness brings forth the light that all may see my true calling and be inspired to live theirs.

today I will look for beautiful people bursting with bliss who have no agenda but instead have a positive purpose to share their love and blessings with the world. I will begin this sacred odyssey by looking in the mirror and saying hello I love you.

I keep getting asked questions about which side I am on mask or no mask and my answer is simply I care more about what is in ones heart than on their face because if their heart is pure, positive and loving they will make choices that serve the greater good of all.

something amazing happens within us when we do things for the benefit of others which is why I bring kindness and compassion with me wherever I may go.

the forces of fate can be both cruel and kind and it is up to us to decide which force we follow for fate is a choice which at any time we can choose to change.

mindful self compassion is a transformative tool that has helped me see my way through many struggles by guiding me to blessings of love and light.

by doing things that align with the divine I strengthen my spirit which improves, elevates and empowers my life.

I like to create realities that open my heart, clear my mind, cleanse my soul, manifest miracles and celebrate life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Create with Intention a Life Path of Soulful Purpose


create with intention a life path of soulful purpose, clarity and true self acceptance by blessing each moment with loving energy.

each morning I open my heart a little wider which lets more light and love in which cultivates well being while helping me move forward in a manner that unearths deep joy and happiness.

far too many are far too rooted in ignorance which has led us way too far into the abyss and if we wish to find our way back home we must with care and lightness of being venture into the farthest reaches of our soul and connect with that sacred part of us which is honest, decent, compassionate, kind, nurturing and loving.

by doing my utmost to relieve stress in my life I am able to create empowing outcomes that help me to invest more positively into my future.

start your day with ideas that inspire and actions that empower as this will lead you to source and spirit which will deepen your understanding of life and love.

I find that I grow spiritually when I am with pure positive people that have visionary viewpoints which awaken the sacred within.

it seems that there is something in the air these days as the level of crazy just keeps rising higher and higher. peoples reactions to things are extreme and its just getting more difficult to let it go. luckily I have my wife and son to keep me grounded. they are my inspiration. they give me the strength to rise above the madness. i have had people attack me for wishing them well. still I say I wish you all the best. sending love, light and positive healing energy. bless you all.

brilliantly illuminating is the love within your heart when shared freely and unconditionally.

take time each day to work on your well being for you are deserving of the same caring, kindness and compassion you show others.

the wiser and more compassionate we are the easier it becomes to make peace with ourself and move forward with confidence into the light of a brand new day.

deep within the soul lives a sacred truth which speaks to the heart in times of struggle giving us the strength to carry on.

I try to engage in soul nourishing behavior that cleanses, balances and ignites the fire within for mine is an indomitable spirit and a life guided by love.

life is hard thats why its called life. if it was easy they would call it play. we are in the middle of a pandemic and still life happens. people still get cancer, people still lose jobs, people still get divorce... life still happens. this doesnt mean we cant rise above our struggles, it doesnt mean we cant find happiness, it means we have to fight for our birthright which is peace, freedom, love and light. I have been broken, I have lost everything, I have been suicidal and I am still here because I knew I deserved better and when I got out of my own way I began to build the life I deserved. if you are hurting know that you are loved. you have been through much and you are still here. I believe in you. you can do this. sending love, light and positive healing energy. bless you.

approach everything in a passionate loving way as doing so purifies the spirit which in turn empowers the soul which inspires, liberates and gives deeper meaning to life.

let us come together in sacred ways with the intention of shining our light and sharing our love thereby creating a nurturing environment that touches the heart and soul of humanity.

every once in awhile I like to change my thought patterns and see where life leads for me that simple act has been a true blessing which has helped me to believe in myself whole heartedly as well as love myself and others more.

for me it is people of kind hearted spirit that spark the fire within for they are ambassadors of transformation embraced by the sacred whose actions make the world a better place.

the true path of the soul is for the profoundly selfless for it is a path of light filled with blessings meant to be shared where every step takes you from dream to reality and from reality to dream providing you with exactly what you need exactly when you need it.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Hope and Comfort came over one Day


hope and comfort came over one day to invite me to a dance under the stars which I accepted and when I began to dance I birthed into being something sacred that exuded great joy and happiness.

gather with me in circles of kindness where with compassion in our hearts we can pray for peace as we cultivate visionary change and foster positive personal growth.

I was once wandering aimlessly through fields of strife and struggle when I saw standing beside the tree of life a familiar figure that I recognized as my true divine self and it was at that moment the skies opened and the suns light showed me the path to a better way of being.

if you go forth into the world with hope, happiness and harmony in your heart, faith as your companion and spirit as your guide you will make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.

I am one who journeys in heart expanding ways to positive places of light where with every step I leave imprints of love.

I decided one day to put my faith in the existence of spirit which created within me a great wave of mystical beauty that flowed out into my life carrying me to angelic realms of transformative power where I began to grow and evolve in profound ways never imagined.

I once lost everything and found myself which made every struggle, every bruise and every broken part of my journey worthwhile for I emerged a better and happier being.

my wife has a smile that warms the soul. my son has a joy for life lights the world with love. I have within me a reservoir of contentment, gratitude and positive energy that is limitless. I call these things my faith. I call these things my family.

may yours be a path of wisdom filled with joy and growth in which you riase your consciousness in the light of each morning by finding peace within yourself.

I believe that our profile page is like our home on the web. so when I am in somebody elses home I act accordingly. this means that when I am on your profile page and I see something I like I comment in a positive manner. if I see something I dont like I say nothing and I leave. I post mainly positive spiritual thoughts on my page but when inclined I post about peoples anger, madness, hatefulness... I post about racsm, sexism, homophobia... I also post about the utter madness of the past year and a half. there are those who have taken it upon themselves to attack those beliefs even though I never personally posted any negative response on their page. they have been removed because I am too old to argue with those who will not listen. think of it this way, we are having an election here in canada , if you dont like one of the candidates why throw rocks at them or insult their family. why not just vote for somebody else. if you dont like whats on tv change the channel... if you disagree or dont like something I have said there are millions here on facebook so go visit somebody else. I try to be as positive as I can. my intention is pure. however I am not one to see somebody being abused and say nothing. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are safe. I hope you are healthy. I hope you are happy and I hope you are loved. thank you for reading this. bless you all.

dream into being those things that truly embrace life and all its blessings.

let us come together as one and celebrate the miracle of life and the joy of being alive.

welcome to the light. come on in and love. let the fire of inspiration warm your heart and soul. with reverent spirit cultivate and create those things that make you sing, dance, smile and rejoice. welcome to the light.

in sacred groves where sacred grows I I am embraced by beautiful moments that make me feel joyful and alive.

I remember when people used to protest against war. today they protest against doctors and nurses who are doing their best to help the sick and dying. I have made the choice not to protest but to promote things like kindness, compassion and love.

whenever we truly look at ourself in the mirror we get a glimpse of goodness, greatness, god and goddess.

embrace your spirit with sweetness as yours is an eternal friendship born of goodness which when cultivated and fostered overflows with joy, laughter, love and light.

the day I forgave myself was the day i began to love my life and the day my life began to love me back.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Live in Meaningful Ways that Nurture Self and Spirit


the highest good and the greater good have helped me throughout my life to live in meaningful ways that nurture self and spirit.

I went to visit normal the other day only to realize that they didnt live there anymore and most likely would never return. I think today I will move forward by accepting the realities of the day and creating for myself a unique new life of peace that I can be proud of.

I saw the fairies dancing and I asked if I could join, they said yes and as you might guess it filled my heart with joy. I heard the angels singing and I asked if I could join...

I am commited to common sense. I am dedicated to greater happiness and joy. I make it my intention each day to contribute something positive to the world. I do my best always to act honestly and responsibly. I am a spiritually minded being of conscience who walks a caring path. this is who I am.

if I see a sign that says no shirt, no shoes no service I either put on a shirt and shoes or I go somewhere else. we are in a time of choice right now and I respect your choice and I hope you respect mine. know this that our choices have consequences so if you make a choice that says you cant eat here or shop there then you either change your choice or go somewhere else. I try to make choices that are best for me, my family, my friends, my community and I do so with great thought and pure intentions. whatever you choose to do today and the rest of your life know that I respect that choice and also know that if I fell that choice is a threat to me and mine I will go somewhere else and be with somebody else. we do what we must to survive. I believe since i am safe, secure, happy, healthy and no threat to anyone that up to this point I have chosen well. I wish the same for each and every one of you. I am sending love and light to all. bless you.

sing a song of freedom, sing a song of peace, sing a song of glory, sing a song of hope and together we shall dance our way to joy.

it seems lately that humanity is losing its ability to ascend and transcend while insanity is standing on its throat smiling with joy at the absurdity of it all. I will not let the ignorance, madness, meanness, anger, confusion, hatred and fear of others take hold of my life. I choose each day no matter the chaos outside to be honest, decent, caring, kind and loving for I know if I can do that I can rise above anything people throw at me.

open your heart and let it awaken you fully to the love that exists within each and every soul you meet on your sacred journey through life.

I like to use the light of spirit to lift me to higher truths that awaken my humanity and inspire me in ethereal ways.

we if we truly wanted to could use our collective sacred voice to light up the entire world with a love so glorious that it would cultivate peace, freedom, happiness and bliss.

I find that when I advance in awareness and absolute truth I am better able to navigate my journey in ways that bring me a greater sense of harmony while serving the highest good.

it is the intention to do whats right and the desire to make a difference has helped me to walk a path of peace, freedom, light and love.

the more you enjoy being who you are and doing what you do the more beauty, blessings and bliss you invite into your life.

we are spiritual travelers on the road to salvation whose sacred task is to simply love and be loved in ways that honor and celebrate the miracle of life.

every experience is revelatory when you approach life in a sacred manner that radiates positive energy and manifests the greatest good.

you decide the quality of your life by the way you react and respond to it.

I try to leave an imprint of caring, kindness and inspiration everywhere I go as doing so liberates the spirit and gives life to dreams.

I am divinely nourished by the flow of love that comes from the heart of humanity for it is unconditional, uplifting, inspirational and transformational.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 2, 2021

There is Beauty in Being You


be who you are. there is beauty in being you, there is joy in being you, there is meaning in being you, there is glory in being you, there is wisdom in being you and there is something miraculous, magnificent and sacred in being you. be who you are.

find within yourself that place where spirit and soul connect and yours will be a joyous transformation which will beautifully benefit your life and the lives of others.

the highest good and the greatest good came over one day and we talked at length on how we could breathe new life into our world thereby helping people live more peaceful loving lives.

embrace with creativity, walk your path with selfless devotion, serve through spirit and open yourself to true divine love for you are a being of light deserving of all that is great and good.

the greater our love and generosity the more likely it is that we will be embraced by things most profound that will raise our vibrations, cultivate the positive and manifest miracles which transform.

blissful moments that resonate with truth began to fill my days when I opened my mind, body, heart and soul to the healing powers of divine love.

I was wandering without fear through powerfully poetic non physical dimensions where passionately beautiful people play when I was embraced by a blissful awareness that connected me with the infinite.

use your unique abilities to be a force of goodness and yours will be a rich rewarding life of deeply empowering discoveries that bring you great joy and happiness.

live your divinity, embrace your divinity, enhance your divinity, share your divinity, be your divinity and love your divinity because in case you havent guessed it yet you are truly divine.

I began to blossom in lifes garden when I made the choice to manifest a fulfilling path of positive values that celebrated the spirit, the soul and the sacred.

my authentic self met my true divine nature one day for a conversation about my well being and decided that if I loved myself the way that they loved me mine would be a healing purifying journey of profound beauty which embraced with joy the dance of creation.

it is my love for humanity that inspires me to foster growth and facilitate change.

the waters of love cleanse the heart and soul thereby increasing the flow of positive energy and fostering well being.

one morning truth whispered in my ear words of wisdom that made me aware of how uniquely beautiful and sacred I am which moved me to whisper to others just how magnificent and divine they are.

use your deep healing powers to inspire, empower and enrich the lives of those in need of kindness and compassion.

there are powerful healing benefits that connect us to self and spirit when we disover our true blessings and use them to better our life and the lives of others.

the more fully I live each day the easier it becomes to bring light and love into my world.

once I realized that if I stepped into positivity the universe would better serve me I was bathed in holy light and my journey became more rewarding.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One