Thursday, December 9, 2021

What Is Your Message


what is your message, does it touch the heart, does it embrace the spirit, does it bless your journey, does it light your way, what is your message. mine is I love you.

the early morning sun creates within me a natural flow of energy that flows into my day freely and awakens the world around me to the true sacred beauty of life.

I once heard my soul sing a song that inspired my heart to dance and made my day one of pure joy and happiness.

to be positively present in any given situation is powerful beyond measure.

there exists within each of us something sacred and beautiful which unfolds into our lives when we remove blockages such as negative thoughts and feelings.

I bathe in rivers of revelation, streams of exultation and oceans of transformation which awakens my humanity while making every moment sacred.

we are children of light and by lovingly shining that light on ourselves and others we create waves of pure positive energy which make this shamanic dance called life something blessed and beautiful.

be generous with your heart. be generous with your generous with your soul. to be generous is to be happy and that is a gift that generates love. be generous with your life...

what will you do to contribute positively to the world today?

wishes and hopes inspire dreams and desires that facilitate joy and happiness which helps us to create experiences and realities that bring us peace and love.

life happens. life happens in the dark. life happens in the light. life happens during bad times. life happens during good times. life happens in times of struggle. life happens in times of joy. life happens when we are hateful. life happens when we are thankful. life happens when we hurt each other. life happens when we love each other. life happens every moment of every day which is why I walk my path with care, kindness and compassion as my companions because this way no matter the situation I know I will be okay. life happens and today I believe at least for me it will happen in a good way.

no matter which way you go do your best to make sure it is a way of love and light as this will make yours a much brighter and more beautiful world.

my christmas memories for a great part of my life are not happy ones. when I first met my wife it took awhile for me to accept happiness as something real. gradually she helped me to appreciate this time. today I put up the christmas decorations the day after halloween. today I spend friday and saturday nights with my wife watching syrupy hallmark christmas movies. today I accept gifts because I am able to accept myself. today I have a child who makes every day a holiday. today I make memories that are miracles. today I am happy. ho ho whole! Merry Christmas

there is a light shining from the heart of every one of us which when followed brings us joy and leads us home to our true sacred self.

you have the heart of an angel for you are a sacred soul whose very existence is a blessing to be celebrated and cherished.

its not that I have expanded my horizons, its that I have embraced my horizons and let them light my way on a journey beyond this place.

as I get older I treasure each moment I am alive for i realize how much I have been through, how much I have survived, how much I have experienced, how much I am blessed and how much I am loved.

if the impact I have leaves an imprint which elevates and inspires others I will have fulfilled my souls purpose.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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