Thursday, October 3, 2019

A Blessing of Liberation that Embraces the World

articulation of thoughts, feelings and intentions is a blessing of liberation that embraces the world with the song of our soul.

you do not want to be the person at the fair or festival who says to me I have the cure for diabetes, I have the cure for autism, I have the cure for cancer... because I will and have on many occasions tore them a new one. fakes and frauds whose lives are built on lies are easy to tear down. I can offer you ideas to help with things but I am not a doctor and unfortunately there are many who will in fact take medical advice from somebody who took a weekend workshop on intuition instead of someone who went to medical school for ten years and has practiced medicine for twenty. if you want a kind word and a shoulder to cry on come to me. if you want the cure for muscular dystrophy you have come to the wrong place.

every word I write carries with it my energy. relax, breathe in each consonant, open yourself to each syllable and let the positive energy of each sentence enter your ethereal existence. every word I write carries with it my love.

if you want to ignite your spirit and access your souls wisdom you must simply get out of your own way. we sometimes miss things in life because we are too busy building barriers which block not only our view but our ability to enter into worlds within our reach.

people come to me all the time wanting to know what something means. there are readers who will tell them what they want to hear. they will say this is what this means for you. in fact they are telling them this is what this means to you. which also isn't accurate because this is what it means to the reader . they do this for a paycheck. I have no agenda and seek not compensation. I therefore take the time to talk to the people and help them discover things they might have otherwise missed. then they are better able to tell me what these things mean to them.

I had a woman come to me once who had written a book on peoples encounters with angels. after talking for awhile she said to me I wish I had some encounters with angels. I said to her what about when this happened and this and this... you could see the look on her face change as she realized that she did in fact have many angelic encounters throughout her life. sometimes we can see in others things we can't see in ourselves. it doesn't mean they aren't there it just means you haven't noticed them yet. take a deep breath. look in the mirror and see who you were, who you are, who you will be, where you are going, what is within your reach, what is around you and what has always been there. look closely and you will see that miracles await you.

I let love guide me and it led me to the life I had always dreamed of.

I was bathing in a stream of miracles that washed away my worries and wrapped me in waves of love which cleansed my heart, soul, body, mind and spirit.

when I think of who I was then and see who I am now I realize how truly blessed my life is.

how will you shape your life today. I will shape mine spiritual reverence, empowering energy, unconditional love, kindness, compassion, the highest intentions and the greatest good. how will you shape your destiny today.

a butterfly fluttered by me and I was embraced by the transcendent reality that life is a miracle to be explored and experienced.

I live my life in service to spirit even when it doesn't serve me well for I know that within it are seeds of transformation that will eventually lead me into the light.

I am happy when you are happy for you are worthy of all the happiness life has to offer.

I was pouring out love and letting in light when I saw unfolding before me a path of ascension which I am positive will lead me to my home in the heavens.

I have in my time looked down on people who have wronged me and that did not serve me well. these days I look for the highest good in people and that has helped me greatly to heal my wounds.

hold sacred those moments in life that accelerate your awareness and awaken your aliveness.

I know miracles happen because I am alive. I know miracles happen because I am loved. I know miracles happen because I am happy. I know miracles happen. I know.

As a child I went to the school of hard knocks and learned only things that were hurtful and harmful. As a young man I was home schooled and learned how to be isolated and alone. today I am a student at the sacred school of life and I am learning how to live, laugh and love. education is our birthright and I have chosen at this point on my journey to listen and learn about those things necessary to make me happy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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